
The enjoyment of the experience and the pleasure of your escape requires careful planning of our activities and safety measures, our team has spared no effort, investment and training of personnel to meet your expectations effectively.

All of our bikes are designed with the latest technology and have been carefully assembled to meet and exceed even the most stringent North American standards of quality and reliability. Each bike also comes equipped with front/rear lights, mirror, bell to signal your presence. Also installed on each luggage rack are removable double storage bags to store your belongings, leaving your hands free to hold the handlebars.

Our helmets are from the reputable brand ABUS ensuring your comfort and safety. Each bike is carefully inspected before and after each rental by our team of mechanics for trouble free rides.

The quality of our facilities and equipment have been recognized by the most important automobile club in Canada and we will have some interesting news to share with you before the beginning of the high season.

We have also developed and implemented a safety and prevention program for our riders as well as for the environment. Finally, in case of pepins we have two intervention vehicles located in Havre Aubert and the other one in Havre aux Maisons.

Take the time to adjust your helmet, your mirror and respect the instructions that our advisers have communicated to you. Finally, always respect the rules of the Quebec road safety code. In the Islands, there is no time, there is really take the time to double check before entering an intersection or near a designated protected area.